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Worker’s Compensation Claim

While workers are right to expect some financial help from their employers for on-job injury or accident, the real problem in such cases is often with the false compensation claim they make. On most occasions, such claims are not only false but also made just to harass the management or twist some money out of the organization. As an award-winning private detective agency, Sleuths India is not only familiar with the trickery involved in worker’s compensation claims but can also help companies deal them successfully. In fact, our team has invalidated many fraudulent compensation claims over the years to add value to our clients from across industry verticals. Whether accident claim, disability claim, mental torture claim, arrear & bonus claims, claim for undue work-related pressure or any such claim, we can always uncover the deception behind these cases and save lots of inconveniences to our clients. You can also hire us for labor court cases and expect great result where workers demand back wages.

Types of Workers Compensation Claims handled by Sleuths India

+ Claims in Labor Court

If your employee has filed a case against you in labor court, we can help investigate in such matters and gather evidence to annul their false claims. Our team can find proof of gainful employment of the claimant, and can help prove in court how their claims for compensation stand invalid.

+ Back Wages Claim

Our team can investigate into matters where your employee has reached the labor court for back wages claims and payments of medical dues and other arrears in lieu of loss employment opportunity. In such cases, we can investigate into gainful employment of the claimant and come up with evidence of their earnings for the claimed period, therefore help quash such bogus claims.

+ Accident Claim

We can investigate any compensation claim into on-job accident by your ex-employees and come up with evidence of their employment for the duration. Our team can find loopholes into claims of slips, falls, fractures or any other physical injury and prove that they are purely driven for dubious gains.

+ Injury Claim

Our team can investigate false injury claims where your employee may show how some injury prevented them from getting back to work and how they are due for damages. We can find out the exact nature of the injury, search for evidence for it and also investigate any gainful employment during that period so that any compensation claim can be nullified.

+ Disability Claim

In many cases, employees also claim compensation on false disability grounds but in fact they were actually pursuing employment somewhere. We can investigate such untrue claims and also help cancel out compensation claims through evidence on gainful employment of any nature or any scale.

+ Mental Torture Claim

If one of your ex-employees has filed a false mental torture claim against you and demands compensation, we can help in such cases by presenting evidence that invalidates the claims. Our team is adequately equipped to take up cases related to work-related pressure claims, anxiety & depression claims, unrealistic target claims and so on.

+ Time Loss Claim

In many cases, employees claim for wages for missed job opportunity or for missing out on job due to injury or accident they never have. Our team can investigate in such false cases and present strong evidence of gainful employment.

+ Insurance-related Claim

We can investigate insurance-related compensation claims where an employee demands more that what is insurance policy from the employer is covering so he/she is expecting their organization to pay up the rest. In such cases, our job is find out proof of the claimant’s employment for the period such claims are made and then help employers annul such claims.

In-depth investigation into Worker’s Compensation Claim from Sleuths India
Sleuths India is the President Award winning private detective agency with a great track record in investigating into different types of worker’s compensation claims. As we have the largest team of sleuths in industry and enjoy over 20 years of experience, organizations from across industry verticals trust us and hire us for compensation claims by their employees.

While we have a strong network with high-tech offices in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chandigarh & Lucknow, our team always delivers amazing results as it comprises former officers from the Army, Police, Intelligence Bureau, Research & Analysis Wing (RAW). We also take pride in its membership to APDI, WAD, ASSOCHAM, PHD Chambers of Commerce, CII (Confederation of Indian industry), NASSCOM, DMA (Delhi Management Association).

So if you want investigation into any type of worker’s compensation claim, hire Sleuths India and get the best of results, always!

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